Spotify plugin
This plugin allows you to run SQL queries on your Spotify data.
To install this plugin, simply run the following command :
anyquery install spotify
- Go to the Spotify Developer Dashboard and create a new application.
- Fill in whatever you want for the application name and description.
- Add
to the Redirect URIs. - Select Web API at the question "Which API/SDKs are you planning to use?".
- Accept the terms and conditions and click on the "Save" button.
- Click on settings in the top right hand corner and copy the Client ID and Client Secret (click on View client secret).
- Go to the AnyQuery Spotify plugin page, fill in the Client ID and Client Secret and click on the "Submit" button.
- Click on the green button to connect your Spotify account.
- Copy your token and paste it in the configuration form.
The plugin provides the following tables:
Get information about an album.
Set the album_id
to the id of the album you want to get information about in the table arguments.
The ID can be obtained by sharing an album from Spotify and copying the link. The ID is the last part of the link before the ?
-> 3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ
SELECT * FROM spotify_album('6jbtHi5R0jMXoliU2OS0lo');
SELECT * FROM spotify_album WHERE id = '6jbtHi5R0jMXoliU2OS0lo';
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | album_type | TEXT |
1 | total_tracks_album | INTEGER |
2 | href | TEXT |
3 | album_name | TEXT |
4 | release_date | TEXT |
5 | artist_name | TEXT |
6 | copyright | TEXT |
7 | album_popularity | TEXT |
8 | track_name | TEXT |
9 | track_duration_ms | TEXT |
10 | track_disc_number | TEXT |
11 | track_explicit | TEXT |
12 | track_href | TEXT |
13 | track_artists | TEXT |
14 | track_number | TEXT |
Get information about a track.
Set the track_id
to the id of the track you want to get information about in the table arguments.
The ID can be obtained by sharing a track from Spotify and copying the link. The ID is the last part of the link before the ?
SELECT * FROM spotify_track('1Je1IMUlBXcx1Fz0WE7oPT');
SELECT * FROM spotify_track WHERE id = '1Je1IMUlBXcx1Fz0WE7oPT';
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | album_name | TEXT |
1 | album_release_date | TEXT |
2 | artist_name | TEXT |
3 | track_name | TEXT |
4 | href | TEXT |
5 | popularity | INTEGER |
6 | duration_ms | INTEGER |
7 | explicit | INTEGER |
8 | preview_url | TEXT |
9 | track_number | INTEGER |
Get the tracks of a playlist.
Set the playlist_id
to the id of the playlist you want to get information about in the table arguments.
The ID can be obtained by sharing a playlist from Spotify and copying the link. The ID is the last part of the link before the ?
SELECT * FROM spotify_playlist(`37i9dQZF1DXcBWIGoYBM5M`);
SELECT * FROM spotify_playlist WHERE id = `37i9dQZF1DXcBWIGoYBM5M`;
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | playlist_name | TEXT |
1 | playlist_followers | INTEGER |
2 | playlist_owner | TEXT |
3 | playlist_href | TEXT |
4 | is_public | INTEGER |
5 | album_name | TEXT |
6 | album_release_date | TEXT |
7 | artist_name | TEXT |
8 | track_name | TEXT |
9 | track_href | TEXT |
10 | track_popularity | INTEGER |
11 | track_duration_ms | INTEGER |
12 | track_explicit | INTEGER |
13 | track_preview_url | TEXT |
14 | track_number | INTEGER |
Search for tracks, albums, playlists, and artists.
Set the query
to the search query you want to get information about in the table arguments.
You can also set the type
to track
, album
, playlist
, or artist
to filter the search results. If you don't set the type
, the search will return all types. You can specify multiple types by separating them with a comma.
SELECT * FROM spotify_search('Charli XCX', 'artist');
SELECT * FROM spotify_search WHERE query = 'Sabrina Carpenter' AND type = 'artist,album';
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | name | TEXT |
2 | type | TEXT |
3 | href | TEXT |
4 | author | TEXT |
Get the last 50 tracks you listened to.
SELECT * FROM spotify_history;
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | played_at | TEXT |
2 | played_from | TEXT |
3 | artist_name | TEXT |
4 | track_name | TEXT |
5 | album_name | TEXT |
6 | album_release_date | TEXT |
7 | href | TEXT |
8 | popularity | INTEGER |
9 | duration_ms | INTEGER |
10 | explicit | INTEGER |
11 | preview_url | TEXT |
12 | track_number | INTEGER |
Get the tracks you saved.
SELECT * FROM spotify_saved_tracks;
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | saved_at | TEXT |
2 | artist_name | TEXT |
3 | track_name | TEXT |
4 | album_name | TEXT |
5 | album_release_date | TEXT |
6 | href | TEXT |
7 | popularity | INTEGER |
8 | duration_ms | INTEGER |
9 | explicit | INTEGER |
10 | preview_url | TEXT |
11 | track_number | INTEGER |
- While using caching, the plugin is still limited by the Spotify API rate limits.
- The plugin is limited to 50 tracks for the
table. I could not find a way to get more tracks after spending hours on the problem. If you have a solution, please let me know. - Caching is done for 1 hour. Therefore, fresh data might not be available immediately. You can delete the cache by running
SELECT clear_plugin_cache('spotify');
and restartinganyquery
to get fresh data.